I am broadly interested in the intersection of information theory and quantum many-body physics, and am also involved in various teaching and outreach activities. My CV is available here if you want to see a more complete list of things I've worked on. Below are some of the highlights!
Probing local many-body dynamics with random quantum circuits
MIT Department of Physics Senior Thesis
pdf onlineLocal information scrambling in random quantum circuits
with Alexander Dalzell and Hsin-Yuan (Robert) Huang
pdfTeaching and outreach
18.S097: Proof-Writing Workshop
I helped organize a proofs workshop which was offered as a 3-unit class during MIT's Independent Activities Period in January 2021. You can find my lecture notes here, or see the course website for the rest of the course materials.
HMMT Education
I gave a talk for high school students at the February and November 2021 iterations of HMMT (formerly known as the Harvard-MIT Mathematics Tournament) on quantum mechanics and information theory. My slides are available here.